Byungjin Cho, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Advanced Material Engineering
Chungbuk National University
Chungdae-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 28644, Korea
Tel: +82-43-261-2417
Email: &
Biographical Information
Education & Work Experience
Associate professor, Chungbuk National University (2021.03 ~ present)
Assistant professor, Chungbuk National University (2017.03 ~ 2021.02)
Senior researcher, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) (2013.02 ~ 2017.02)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) (2012.03~2012.12) (PI: Prof. Yong Chen)
Ph. D, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) (2009.03~2012.02) (Co-advisor: Prof. Takhee Lee & Gun-Young Jung)
MS, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) (2007.03~2009.02) (Advisor: Prof. Takhee Lee)
Process Engineer, SK Hynix Semiconductor (2005.07~2007.02)
BS, Chungbuk National University (1998.03~2005.02)
Awards and Honors
Scholarship supported by Korean government (2007 ~ 2012)
Brain Korea 21 Fellowship (2007~2012)
Best Poster Presentation Award, GJ-NST 2009 (2009.11)
Dasan Project Fellowship, GIST, Korea (2011)
Brain Korea 21 Outstanding Research Award Winner (2012.12)
Best oral presentation Award, MRS Korea (2013.05)
KIMS 인재상, 재료연구소 (2016.4.5)
(사)한국산학연협회장상 (2021.12.03)
Journal and Conference
Nanomaterials, Special Issue Editor (Prof. Byungjin Cho & Dr. Yonghun Kim) "Preparation and Properties of 2D Materials" (2018.05 ~ 2019.11)
J. Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng., Editor (2018.01 ~ 2020.12)
Nanomaterials, Topic Editor (2020.02 ~ present)
Sensors, Editorial Board Member "Chemical Sensor Section" (2020.02 ~ present)
Materials, Special Issue Editor (Dr. Yonghun Kim & Prof. Byungjin Cho,) "Synthesis and Characterization of Emerging Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials" (2020.09 ~ present)
제28회 한국반도체학술대회 2021, Session committee "P. Device for Energy (Solar Cell, Power Device, Battery, etc.)"
ICAE 2021 International Symposium, Co-organizer (Prof. Chul-Ho Lee, Prof. Byungjin Cho, Prof. Cheol-Joo Kim) "Two-dimensional van der Waals Materials: Emerging Properties and Applications"
Nano Korea 2021 Symposium, Session committee "Nanoelectronic devices"
Nano Korea 2022 Symposium, Session committee "Nanoelectronic devices"
Nanomaterials, Special Issue Editor (Prof. Ki Kang Kim, Prof. Byungjin Cho, Prof. Seoung-Ki Lee) "Toward Industrialization of Van der Waals Layered Materials and Their Heterostructures" (2022.09.01 ~ 2023.05.10)
RSC Advances, Guest Editors (Prof. Byungjin Cho, Prof. Yung Joon Jung (Northeastern University), Prof. Bogyu Lim, Prof. Han Seul Kim) "Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials" (2024.06.14 ~ 2023.12.08) (Open Call for Papers – Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials – RSC Advances Blog)