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  1. Ojun Kwon, Han Seul Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Multimode Synaptic Functionality in Al2O3/HfO2 High-k based IGZO Transistors: A Frequency-Dependent Trade-Off Between Charge Trapping and Ferroelectric Effects",  The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [oral presentation]

  2. Min Jeong Kim, Byungjin Cho*"All-Te Field Effect Transistor with Layer-Engineered Homojunction", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  3. Eunjeong Cho, Byungjin Cho*, "Highly stable chip-scale memtransistor via layer-engineering of 2D Tellurium", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  4. Shinhoi Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Reliable tuning capability of 2D Te-Based Photo-synapse Device with an Al2O3 Interfacial Layer", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  5. Minhee Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "High-k Nb2O5/2D Metallic NbS2 Gate Stack Architecture via Thermal Conversion of NbS2", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  6. Yeongeun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Contact resistance reduction in Tellurium Field-Effect Transistors via Al2O3 interlayers", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  7. Yedam Kim, Minyoung Choi, Byungjin Cho*, "Correlation study between Raman vibration modes and electrical properties of 2D In2Se3", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  8. Kyungmin Lee, Byungjin Cho*, "Contact resistance reduction of Te transistor using UVO treatment", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  9. Yujung Kim, Yedam Kim, Seyoung Oh, Bogyu Lim, Byungjin Cho*, "Characteristics of a synaptic transistor with a high-purity semiconducting CNT channel wrapped with polymer", The 32st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 12~14, 2025 [poster presentation]

  10. Seyoung Oh, Ojun Kwon, and Byungjin Cho, "InGaZnO/Graphene Cold Source Field Effect Transistors Enabling a Super-Steep Subthreshold Swing Below 60 mV/dec" MRS 2024 Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, United States of America (USA), Dec 1~6, 2024 [oral presentation]

  11. Ojun Kwon, Seyoung Oh, and Byungjin Cho, "Frequency-Dependent Synaptic Dynamics of Al2O3/HfO2 High-k Dielectric Double-Structured Transistor Based on the Trade-Off Between Charge Trapping and Ferroelectric Effects" MRS 2024 Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, United States of America (USA), Dec 1~6, 2024 [poster presentation]

  12. Min Jeong Kim, Eunjeong Cho,Byungjin Cho*, "Reliable Ge-based Memcapacitor Synaptic Device enabled by CF4 Plasma", ISPSA 2024, Jeju, Korea, June 2~6, 2024 [poster presentation]

  13. Yedam Kim, Minyoung Choi, Byungjin Cho*, "High responsive InSe based photodetector using RF magnetron sputtering", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation][Best Poster Award] [학부생 포스터발표상 수상]

  14. Yeongeun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Reduction of Contact resistance in Tellurium Field-Effect Transistor Achieved by Graphene Interlayer", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation][학부생 포스터발표상 수상]

  15. Minhee Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Dielectric Properties of MIS Capacitors Utilizing the Nb2O5 Oxidized from 2D NbS2", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation][학부생 포스터발표상 수상]

  16. Shinhoi Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "2D PN (Te-MoS2) Semiconductor-Based High-performance Infrared Photodetector", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation][학부생 포스터발표상 수상]

  17. Eunjeong Cho, Byungjin Cho*, "Enhanced Electrical Properties of MIS Capacitor with Graphene-embedded Al2O3 dielectric structure", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation]

  18. Hyun Young Seo, Byungjin Cho*, "Performance enhancement of MoS2 transistor based on Metallic NbS2 as a local bottom gate electrode", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation]

  19. Min Jeong Kim, Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Reliable PVDF-TrFE ferroelectric polymer-based InGaZnO synaptic transistors with buried-gate structure", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation]

  20. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "HfO2/InGaZnO double-layered transistor with low-powered switching enabled by quasi-two-dimensional electron channel", The 31st Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gyeongju, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2024 [poster presentation]

  21. Min Jeong Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Reliable PVDF-TrFE ferroelectric polymer-based InGaZnO synaptic transistors with buried-gate structure", KISM 2023, Busan, Korea, Nov 19~23, 2023 [poster presentation]

  22. Hyun Young Seo, Byungjin Cho*, "High performance MoS2 transistor based on Atomically thin 2D NbS2 metal gate", KISM 2023, Busan, Korea, Nov 19~23, 2023 [poster presentation]

  23. Hyun Young Seo, Byungjin Cho*, "High-responsive photodetector with seamless edge-to-edge connected 2D metal and semiconductor junctions",The Korean Ceramic Society 2023 Fall Meeting, COEX, Korea, Oct 18~20, 2023 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]  [KCerS 포스터 스피치상 수상]

  24. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Low-Powered Switching of HfO2/InGaZnO Double-Layered Transistor with Two-Dimensional Electron Channel", The 21th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023), KINTEX, Korea, July 5~7, 2023 [poster presentation]

  25. Ojun Kwon and Byungjin Cho*, "MoS2/ZrO2-x Heterostructured Memtransistor for Reliable Heterosynaptic Plasticity", The 21th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023), KINTEX, Korea, July 5~7, 2023 [poster presentation]

  26. Do Hyeong Kim and Byungjin Cho*,  "High Electrical Stability of the InGaZnO Field Effect Transistor with Buried-Gate Structure", The 21th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023), KINTEX, Korea, July 5~7, 2023 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  27. Eunjeong Cho, Min jeong Kim, Seyoung Oh and Byungjin Cho*, "Implementation of Reliable Memcapacitor Synapse Device via Ge/high-k Interface Treatment", The 21th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023), KINTEX, Korea, July 5~7, 2023 [poster presentation]

  28. Wondeok Seo, Seyoung Oh, Do Hyeong Kim, Byung Ki Choi, Kwang Choong Kang, Jae Il Jeong, Sang Jun Ju, and Byungjin Cho*, "Optimization in Fabricating Plate-Shaped SiO2 Flakes for High Chroma Pearl Pigments", The 21th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023), KINTEX, Korea, July 5~7, 2023 [poster presentation]

  29. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Ultralow-Power Transistor with Super-Steep Slope Switching via Graphene-based Contact Engineering", The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 13~15, 2023 [poster presentation]

  30. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Polycrystalline MoS2 Memtransistor Treated with O2 Plasma: A Wide Tunable Resistive Switching Based on Sulfur Vacancy Modulation", The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 13~15, 2023 [poster presentation]

  31. Do Hyeong Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "InGaZnO Field Effect Transistor with Buried-gate Structure Enabling Highly Stable Device", The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 13~15, 2023 [poster presentation]

  32. Hyun Young Seo, Byungjin Cho*, "2D NbS2/MoS2/p-Si Heterostructured Photodetector Enabling High Photoresponsivity in Visible Wavelength", The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 13~15, 2023 [poster presentation]

  33. Eunjeong Cho, Minjeong Kim, Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*,  "Implementation of Reliable Memcapacitor Synaptic Device via Ge/high-k Interface Plasma Treatment", The 30th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Feb 13~15, 2023 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award] [학부생 포스터발표상 수상]

  34. Byungjin Cho, "Tunable resistive switching based on sulfur vacancy engineering of polycrystalline MoS2", 제26회 한국진공학회 반도체및박막 분과 워크샵, Seoul, Korea, Dec 15, 2022 [Invited Talk]

  35. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Tunable resistive switching based on sulfur vacancy engineering of polycrystalline MoS2", KISM 2022, Busan, Korea, Nov 13~16, 2022 [Poster presentation][Best Poster Award]

  36. Hyon Young Seo , Byungjin Cho*, 'Outstanding optical performance of NbS2/n-MoS2/p-Si heterostructured photodiode via one-step CVD process", KISM 2022, Busan, Korea, Nov 13~16, 2022 [Poster presentation]

  37. Do Hyeong Kim, Byungjin Cho*, 'Highly Stable InGaZnO Field effect Transistor with buried-gate structure ", KISM 2022, Busan, Korea, Nov 13~16, 2022 [Poster presentation]

  38. Wondeok Seo, Woojin Park, Do Hyeong Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "N-MoS2/p-Si Heterojunction with Graphene Interlayer for High-performance IR Photodetector", KISM 2022, Busan, Korea, Nov 13~16, 2022 [Poster presentation]

  39. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "Extraordinary switching characteristics of two-dimentional electron channel chofined in a HfO2/InGaZnO interface", 2022 Fall meeting of the korean ceramic society, Seoul, Korea, Oct 26~28, 2022 [Poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  40.  Hyun Young Seo, Byung Ki Choi, Kwang Choong Kang, Jae il Jeong, Sang jun Ju, Byungjin Cho*, "Color Design of Multi-layer Oxide Pigments - Using an Essential Macleod Program", 2022 Fall meeting of the korean ceramic society, Seoul, Korea, Oct 26~28, 2022 [Poster presentation] 

  41. Wondeok Seo, Byung Ki Choi, Kwang Choong Kang, Jae il Jeong, Sang Jun Ju, Byungjin Cho*, 'Fabrication optimization of plate-shape SiO2 flake for high chroma pearl pigments", 2022 Fall meeting of the korean ceramic society, Seoul, Korea, Oct 26~28, 2022 [Poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  42. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "InGaZnO field effect transistor with two-dimensional electron channel enabled by HfO2 passivation", KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, Busan, Korea, Oct 19~21, 2022 [poster presentation]

  43. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Gate-tunable resistive switching characteristics of O2 plasma-treated polycrystalline MoS2" KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, Busan,Korea, Oct 19-21, 2022 [Poster presentation]

  44. Byungjin Cho, "Promising applications of 2D MoS2 based heterostructure: photodetector and memtransistor" KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, Busan,Korea, Oct 19-21, 2022 [Invited Talk]

  45. Byungjin Cho, "Promising applications of two dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide: photosensors and neuromorphic synapse devices" Jeonbuk National University, Oct. 17, 2022 [Invited Talk]

  46. Hyun Young Seo,  Byungjin Cho*, "Outstanding photoresponse of NbS2/MoS2/p-Si photodiode implemented by one-step CVD process" ISPSA 2022, Jeju, Korea, July 17~21, 2022 [poster presentation]

  47. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Tunable memtransistor switching characteristics of sulfur vacancy-modulated MoS2 multilayer" ISPSA 2022, Jeju, Korea, July 17~21, 2022 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  48. Soo Hong Jeong,  Byungjin Cho*, "Stable synaptic plasticity of IGZO synaptic transistor implemented by TiO2 Interlayer" ISPSA 2022, Jeju, Korea, July 17~21, 2022 [poster presentation]

  49. Soo Hong Jeong,  Byungjin Cho*, "Delicate modulation of IGZO synaptic property using a TiO2 interlayer" Nano Korea 2022, KINTEX, Korea, July 6~8, 2022 [poster presentation]

  50. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "Light-stimulated long-term potentiation behavior enabled by HfO2/InGaZnO synaptic structure" Nano Korea 2022, KINTEX, Korea,  July 6~8, 2022 [oral presentation]

  51. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Electrical Correlations between Synaptic Parameters and Pattern Recognition Accuracy on Floating Gate IGZO Synaptic Transister" The 29th Korean Conference On Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2022 [poster presentation]

  52. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "Effect of HfO2 Passivation Layer on Photosynaptic Functionality of InGaZnO Synaptic Device" The 29th Korean Conference On Semiconductors, Gangwon, Korea, Jan 24~26, 2022 [oral presentation]

  53. Byungjin Cho, "Electronic applications of two dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide: photosensors and neuromorphic synapse devices" Kyungpook National University, Jan. 27, 2022 [Invited Talk]

  54. Soo Hong Jeong,  Byungjin Cho*, "Proposal of IGZO Synaptic Transister Structure with TiO2 Interfacial Layer" Nano Convergence Conference 2022, Gwangju, Korea, Jan 18~19, 2022 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  55. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "MoS2/Nb2O5 Memtransister with Highly Reliable Heterosynaptic Plasticity" Nano Convergence Conference 2022, Gwangju, Korea, Jan 18~19, 2022 [oral presentation]

  56. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "Optoelectronic Synapse Device based on HfO2/InGaZnO Double-layered Structure for Brain-inspired Neuromorphic System" 2021 MRS KOREA, Gyeongju, Korea, Nov 24~26, 2021 [poster presentation]

  57. Ojun Kwon, Shi-Gwan Woo, Byungjin Cho*, "Comparative analysis study on PVT-synthesized Hg2Br2 and Hg2BrxCl2-x crystals" 2021 MRS KOREA, Gyeongju, Korea, Nov 24~26, 2021 [poster presentation]

  58. Seyoung Oh, Jae Hyeon Nam, Heejeong Park, Byungjin Cho*, "Highly Reliable Heterosynaptic Plasticity of Low Power MoS2/Nb2O5 Memtransistor" 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Jeju, Korea, Nov 9~12, 2021 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  59. Wondeok Seo, Woojin Park, Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Performance Enhancement of MoS2/p-Si Infrared Photodetector via the Introduction of Graphene Layer " 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Jeju, Korea, Nov 9~12, 2021 [poster presentation]

  60. Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Impact of synaptic parameters on IGZO floating-gate synaptic transistor" 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Jeju, Korea, Nov 9~12, 2021 [poster presentation]

  61. Hyun Young Seo,  Byungjin Cho*, "Demonstration of High Performance NbS2/MoS2/p-Si Heterostructured Photodiode " 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), Jeju, Korea, Nov 9~12, 2021 [poster presentation]

  62. Woojin Park,  Moonsang lee, Ojun Kwon, Se Young Oh, Myung Gwan Hahm, Byungjin Cho*, "Demonstration of PVDF-TrFE/Si ferroelectric synapse device" The 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2021), KINTEX, Korea, July 7~9, 2021 [oral presentation]

  63. Seyoung Oh,  Byungjin Cho*, "HfO2/InGaZnO Photonic Synapse Device for Brain-inspired Photo-neuromorphic System" The 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2021), KINTEX, Korea, July 7~9, 2021 [poster presentation]

  64. HeeJeong Park,  Byungjin Cho*, "Artificial IGZO memtransistor implemented by multi-layered oxide structure" The 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2021), KINTEX, Korea, July 7~9, 2021 [poster presentation]

  65. Ojun Kwon,  Byungjin Cho*, "Implementation of reliable synaptic plasticity on floating gate type IGZO synaptic transistor" The 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2021), KINTEX, Korea, July 7~9, 2021 [poster presentation] 

  66. Hyun Young Seo,  Byungjin Cho*, "High-performance NbS2/MoS2/p-Si heterostructured photodiode implemented by one-step CVD process" The 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2021), KINTEX, Korea, July 7~9, 2021 [poster presentation] 

  67. Byungjin Cho, "2D TMDs Based Chemical Sensor: Mechanism, Doping, Heterostructure, and Device Architecture" 8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8), On-line Conference, Korea Apr. 25~30, 2021 [Invited Talk]

  68. Ojun Kwon, Kyoungah Kim, Shi-Gwan Woo, Byungjin Cho*, "Comparative investigation of Hg2Br2 and Hg2BrxCl2-x crystals grown via PVT process" 8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8), On-line Conference, Korea Apr. 25~30, 2021 [poster presentation]

  69. Byungjin Cho, "Highly reliable heterosynaptic plasticity of low-powered memtransistor for neuromorphic applications" The 28th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, On-line conference, Korea, Jan 28, 2021 [Invited Talk]

  70. Seyoung Oh, Woojin Park, Heejeong Park, Hyun Young Seo and Byungjin Cho*, "Bias stability enhancement of a sol-gel based IGZO transistor via plasma treatment onto high-k dielectric" The 28th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, On-line conference, Korea, Jan 25~29, 2021 [poster presentation]

  71. Deokchan Yang, Ojun Kwon, Seunggi Jeom, Yeji Seong and Byungjin Cho*, "Artificial synaptic plasticity of charge trap based IGZO transistor for a neuromorphic application" The 28th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, On-line conference, Korea, Jan 25~29, 2021 [poster presentation]

  72. Woojin Park, Moonsang Lee, Myung Gwan Hahm, Ojun Kwon, Seyong Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "PVDF-TrFE/Si NW synaptic device" The 28th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, On-line conference, Korea, Jan 25~29, 2021 [poster presentation]

  73. Ojun Kwon, Jeehoon Kim, Tae Hyeon Kim, Se Young Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Precise modulation of synaptic plasticity implemented in IGZO:Al NPs synaptic transistor"  The 28th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, On-line conference, Korea, Jan 25~29, 2021 [poster presentation] [Best Poster Award]

  74. Byungjin Cho, "Diverse electronic sensors based on 2D Nanomaterials" 2020 MRS Korea, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 19, 2020. [Invited Talk]

  75. Woojin Park, Soyoung Oh, Ojun Kwon, Byungjin Cho*, "Contact engineering and performance improvement of TMD and IGZO FETs" 2020 MRS Korea, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 19, 2020.

  76. Ojun Kwon, Tae Hyeon Kim, Shi-Hwan Woo, Byungjin Cho*, "In-depth investigation of growth mechanism for high quality Hg2Br2 crystal" 2020 MRS Korea, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 19, 2020.

  77. Seyoung Oh, Woojin Park, Heejung Park, Byungjin Cho*, "Electrical properties of a sol-gel based IGZO transistor integrated with plasma treated Al2O3 dielectric2020 MRS Korea, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 18, 2020.

  78. Ojun Kwon, Jeehoon Kim, Tae Hyeon Kim, Se Young Oh, and Byungjin Cho*, "Accurate modulation of synaptic plasticity implemented in IGZO:Al NPs synaptic transistor" ISOCC 2020, Sono Calm Yeosu Hotel, Yeosu, Oct. 23 2020. [poster presentation]

  79. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, and Byungjin Cho*, "Low-powered memtransistor from MoS2/Nb2O5 heterostructure architecture for neuromorphic systems" ISOCC 2020, Sono Calm Yeosu Hotel, Yeosu, Oct. 23 2020. [poster presentation]

  80. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Woojin Park, and Byungjin Cho*, "Sputtering Based Electrocatalyst WSe2 Layered Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [poster presentation]

  81. Hye Yeon Jang, Jae Hyeon Nam, and Byungjin Cho*, "2D MoS2/p-Si Heterojunction Photodetector Using H2S Reactive Sputtering" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [poster presentation]

  82. Seyoung Oh and Byungjin Cho*, "Influence of Plasma Treated Al2O3 Dielectric on Sol-gel IGZO Transistor Performance" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [poster presentation]

  83. Jaeun Kim, Woojin park, and Byungjin Cho*, "Dual Band IGZO Phototransistor Implemented by an Al2O3 Interlayer" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [poster presentation]

  84. Tae Hyeon Kim, Woojin park, and Byungjin Cho*, "Elucidating Underlying Mechanism of Performance Enhancement of an IGZO TFTs with Al2O3 Interlayer" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [poster presentation]

  85. Ojun Kwon, Jeehoon Kim, Tae Hyeon Kim, Se Young Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "IGZO:Al NPs Synaptic Transistor Enabling Precise Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 13, 2020 [poster presentation]

  86. Byungjin Cho, "Two Dimensional Material Interface Engineering for Energy Efficient Nanoelectronics" The 27th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Highone Resort, Feb. 14, 2020 [Invited Talk]

  87. Woojin Park, Tae Hyeon Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Contact engineering for 2D TMD and IGZO transistors" Nano Convergence Conference 2020, Ellisian Kangchon, Chuncheon, Jan 16, 2020 [Oral presentation[Best Oral Presentation Award]

  88. Ojun Kwon, Jeehoon Kim, Tae Hyeon Kim, Se Young Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "IGZO:Al NPs synapse transistor for precise modulation of synaptic plasticity" Nano Convergence Conference 2020, Ellisian Kangchon, Chuncheon, Jan 16, 2020 [oral presentation]

  89. Woojin Park, Byungjin Cho*, "TMD Device Performance Stabilization with Interfacial Layer at Contact" The 5th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2019), Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Nov 8, 2019  [poster presentation]

  90. Woojin Park, Byungjin Cho*, "Contact engineering for TMD transistor with interfacial layer" 2019 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, Nov. 1, 2019.  [oral presentation]

  91. Tae Hyeon Kim, Hee Tae Lee, In Hoi Kwon, Young-Min Kang, Shi-Gwan Woo, Byungjin Cho*, "Growth and evolution of Hg2Br2 crystal for acousto-optic tunable filter application" 2019 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, Oct. 31, 2019.  [poster presentation]

  92. Byungjin Cho*, Yonghun Kim, "2D heterostructure-based chemical and optical sensors" 2019 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, Oct. 31, 2019. [Invited Talk]

  93. Byungjin Cho, "Diverse applications using a two dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide alloy layer" 2019 Hokkaido Summer Institute, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 4, 2019 [Invited Lecture]

  94. Esther Lee, Tae Hyeon Kim, Ji-Hoon Ahn, and Byungjin Cho, "Post-Annealing Effect on Electrical Properties of IGZO Transistor with Al2O3 DielectricNano Korea 2019, KINTEX, Ilsan, July 3, 2019 [poster presentation]

  95. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Low-powered Switching Characteristics of SWCNTs Transistor Integrated with Al-ZrHfO2 Dielectric for a Nonvolatile Memory" 3rd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology 2019, Awaji Yumebutai Internation Conference Center, Awaji, Japan, June 4, 2019 [Best Poster Award]

  96. Seunggi Jeom, Byungjin Cho*, "Heterojunction Photodiode Using 2D TMDs deposited by an AP-PECVD" 3rd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology 2019, Awaji Yumebutai Internation Conference Center, Awaji, Japan, June 4, 2019

  97. Esther Lee, Tae Hyeon Kim, Jee Hoon Kim, Tae Gun Jeong, Jaeun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Effect of Post Annealing on Electrical Properties of Sol-gel based IGZO Transistor with High-k Al2O3 Gate Dielectric" E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France, May 29, 2019  

  98. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Byungjin Cho*, "Investigation on Transistor Devices Based on 2D WSe2 Synthesized by Unique Co-sputtering Method" E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France, May 29, 2019  

  99. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Low-powered Memory Characteristics of SWCNTs transistor integrated with Al doped HfZrO2 dielectric" E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France, May 29, 2019

  100. Hye Yeon Jang, Jae Hyeon Nam, Byungjin Cho*, "High-performance 2D MoS2/Si Heterojunction Photodetector Using a 2D MoS2 Deposited by Plasma Sputtering" E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France, May 29, 2019

  101. Byungjin Cho*, "Heterojunction Photodiode based on 2D TMDs synthesized by an Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition" E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France, May 29, 2019

  102. Byungjin Cho, "Diverse 2D TMD materials for gas sensor and photodetector" 2019 MRS Korea, Alpensia Resort, Pyeongchang, May 16, 2019 [Invited Talk]

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  1. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Dong-Wook Kim, Soyeong Kwon, and Byungjin Cho*, "Implementation of 2D TMD/Si Heterojunction Photodiode Using a Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition" The 30th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices(IC ME&D 2019), Pusan Paradise Hotel, Pusan, May 9, 2019

  2. Tae Hyeon Kim, Jee Hoon Kim, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Modulation of plasticity on IGZO:Al NPs based artificial synaptic transistor" The 30th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices(IC ME&D 2019), Pusan Paradise Hotel, Pusan, May 9, 2019

  3. Hye Yeon Jang, Jae Hyeon Nam, Byungjin Cho*, "2D MoS2/Si heterojunction photodetector fabricated by a reactive RF sputtering" The 30th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices(IC ME&D 2019), Pusan Paradise Hotel, Pusan, May 9, 2019  [Best Poster Award]

  4. Tae Hyeon Kim, Chaeeun Kim, Jun-Cheol Park, Ji-Hoon Ahn, Byungjin Cho*, "Outstanding Chemical Sensing Characteristics of Vertically Self-Formed 2D SnS2 Channel Device" 2019 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, Jeju Lamada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, Apr. 10, 2019

  5. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Sung Mook Choi, Byungjin Cho*, "WSe2 Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions by a Low Temperature Sputtering Technique" 2019 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, Jeju Lamada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, Apr. 10, 2019

  6. Hye Yeon Jang, Jae Hyeon Nam, Byungjin Cho*, "Implementation of Self-Driven 2D MoS2/Si Heterojunction Photodetector Using a Reactive RF Sputtering" 2019 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, Jeju Lamada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, Apr. 10, 2019 [Best Poster Award]

  7. Byungjin Cho, "2D-TMD alloys for electronic applications" UTD-KMU In-FUSION Center Workshop, Kookmin Univ, Seoul, Mar. 22, 2019 [Invited talk]

  8. Tae Hyeon Kim, Chaeeun Kim, Jun-Cheol Park, Ji-Hoon Ahn, Byungjin Cho*, "Vertically Self-Formed 2D SnS2 Channel Device and Their Superior Chemical Sensing Properties" The 26th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Welli Hilli Park, Hoengseong, Feb. 15, 2019

  9. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Jung-Dae Kwon, Dong-Wook Kim, Soyeong Kwon, and Byungjin Cho*, "Facially Fabricated 2D TMD/Si Heterojunction Photodiode Using a Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition" The 26th Korean Conference on SemiconductorsWelli Hilli Park, Hoengseong, Feb. 15, 2019

  10. Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "CNT synaptic transistor with PI:PCBM charge trapping layers" The 26th Korean Conference on SemiconductorsWelli Hilli Park, Hoengseong, Feb. 15, 2019

  11. Byungjin Cho*, "Applications of Facilly Synthesized 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Chemical Sensor and Transistor" 2019 Nano convergence Conference, Ellisian Resort, Kangchon, Jan. 17, 2019 [Invited Talk]

  12. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Soyeong Kwon, Jung-Dae Kwon, Dong-Wook Kim, and Byungjin Cho*, "2D TMD/Si Heterojunction Photodiode Facially Fabricated by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition" KIEEME annual fall conference 2018, Lotte resort, Puyeo, Nov 20, 2018

  13. Hye Yeon Jang, Jae Hyeon Nam, Byungjin Cho*, "Large scale synthesis of RF sputtering 2D MoS2 and its application to electronic transistor" Korea Ceramic 2018 Fall meeting, KOEX, Seoul, Nov 15, 2018

  14. Tae Hyeon Kim, Esther Lee, Tae Gun Jeong, Jaeun Kim, Jee Hoon Kim, Byungjin Cho*,"Effect of Post Annealing on Electrical Stability of InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with High-k Al2O3 Gate Dielectric" Korea Ceramic 2018 Fall meeting, KOEX, Seoul, Nov 15, 2018

  15. Jae Hyeon Nam, Hye Yeon Jang, Byungjin Cho*, "Facile synthesis of sputtering 2D WSe2 for electronic transistor applications" Korea Ceramic 2018 Fall meeting, KOEX, Seoul, Nov 15, 2018 [Best Poster Award]

  16. Byungjin Cho, "Facile synthesis and electronic applications of 2D alloy atomic layers" Korea Ceramic 2018 Fall meeting, KOEX, Seoul, Nov 15, 2018 [Invited talk]

  17. Tae Hyeon Kim, Chaeeun Kim, Jun-Cheol Park, Ji-Hoon Ahn, Byungjin Cho*, "Superior Chemical Sensing Properties of 
    Vertically Self-formed 2D SnS2 Channel Device
    " Nano Korea 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, July 11, 2018 [Best Poster Award]

  18. Jae Hyeon Nam, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Room Temperature Grown GSV-based WO3–δ Film for High Performance Flexible NO2 Gas Sensors" Nano Korea 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, July 11, 2018 [poster presentation]

  19. Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "CNT Synaptic Transistor based on PI:PCBM Dielectric LayersNano Korea 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, July 11, 2018 [poster presentation]

  20. Byungjin Cho, "Alloyed atomic layer junctions on 2D metal-semiconductor contact" The 7th Hokkaido Univ. – Chungbuk National Univ. Joint Symposium on Advanced Engineering, Hokkaido Univ., Japan [oral presentation]

  21. Seyoung Oh, Dongjun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "CNT 채널과 High-k 유전체 기반의 저전력 시냅스터" KIEEME annual summer conference 2018, Daemyung Delpino Resort, Kangwon Goseong, June 21, 2018 [제2회 재료사진공모전 대상 수상]

  22. Byungjin Cho, "Study of 2D Nanomaterials Based Chemical Sensor: Mechanism, Heterostructure, Performance Enhancement, andDevice Architecture" 2018 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, May. 17, 2018. [Invited Talk]

  23. Seyoung Oh, Byungjin Cho*, "Superior chemical sensing property of Nb-doped MoSe2 2D-layered nanomaterials"2018 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, May. 17, 2018.

  24. Tae Hyeon Kim, In Hoi Kwon, Young Gil Jo, Byungjin Cho*, "Mercurous bromide single crystal grown by PVT method for AOTF device" 2018 MRS Korea, Samcheok, Korea, May. 17, 2018.

  25. Byungjin Cho,"2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Diverse Electronic Device Applications", Pukyong National University, Pusan, May 2, 2018 [seminar]

  26. Jae Hyeon Nam, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Wafer-Scale Integration of CVD-based MoS2 Transistors" 2018 Nano convergence Conference, Yangjae AT center, Seoul, Jan. 10, 2018 [Best Poster Award]

  27. Hye Yeon Jang, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "CNT Synaptic Transistor based on PI:PCBM Dielectric Layers" 2018 Nano convergence Conference, Yangjae AT center, Seoul, Jan. 10, 2018 [poster presentation]

  28. 100. Sun Young Choi, Yonghun Kim, Byungjin Cho*, "Highly Sensitive and Reliable Gas Sensing Characteristics of Two Dimensional Nb-doped MoSe2 Layered Structures" The 4th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2017), Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Nov 21, 2017 [Best Poster Award]

  29. Byungjin Cho, "High Performance Electronic Transistor and Chemical Sensor Applications Based on Two-dimensional Alloys" The 4th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HYMAP) 2017, Busan, Nov. 5, 2017 [Invited Talk]

  30. Soyeong Kwon, Jungeun Song, Dongrye Choi, Eunah Kim, Yonghun, Kim, Byungjin Cho, Dong-Wook Kim, "Characterization of MoS2/Si and WS2/Si Heterojunction Photodetectors Fabricated by High-Working PressurePlasma-Enhanced CVD" AVS 65th International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA, Oct 21, 2017 [oral presentation]

  31. Byungjjin Cho* and Sun Young Choi, "Effect of Nb atoms on chemical sensing property of MoSe2 layered nanomaterials" Nano Korea 2017, KINTEX, Ilsan, July 13, 2017 [poster presentation]

  32. Byungjjin Cho*, Yonghun Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm, "2차원 반데르발스 금속-합금-반도체 접합: 계면결함과 쇼트키 장벽의 감소" KIEEME annual summer conference 2017, Alpensia Covention Center, PyengChang, June 22, 2017 [oral presentation]

  33. Byungjjin Cho*, "Atomically Thin Layer Materials for Futuristic Electronic Device Applications" Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, June 9, 2017 [seminar]

  34. Byungjjin Cho*, "Synthesis of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides and promising electronic device applications" Inha University, Incheon, Apr. 21, 2017 [colloquium seminar]

  35. Sun Young Choi and Byungjjin Cho*, “Highly sensitive and stable sensing properties of Nb-doped MoSe2 layered nanomaterials” Nanopia 2016, Changwon Convention Centre, Korea, Dec. 17, 2016 [oral presentation]

  36. Byungjjin Cho*, “Formation and utilization of alloyed 2D metal-semiconductor atomic layer junctions”, AsiaNANO 2016, Sapporo Convention Centre, Japan, Oct. 12, 2016 [oral presentation]

  37. Byungjjin Cho*, Yonghun Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Pulickel M. Ajayan, “Formation and utilization of composition engineered transition regions across 2D metal-semiconductor atomic layer junctions”, Solid State Devices and Materials, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan, Sep. 27, 2016 [oral presentation]

  38. Yonghun Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Byungjjin Cho*, “Design and application of alloyed 2D metal-semiconductor atomic layer junction”, 8th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene/2D Research (RPGR), Seongkyunkwan University, Seoul, Sep. 26, 2016 [oral presentation]

  39. Yonghun Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Byungjjin Cho*, “Alloyed atomic layer junctions on 2D metal-semiconductor contact”, Nano Korea 2016,Seoul, July 14, 2016 [oral presentation]

  40. Ah Ra Kim and Byungjin Cho*, “All two-dimensional field-effect transistor with alloyed junction”, KIEEME annual summer conference 2016, Hyundai hotel, Kyeongju, June 23, 2016 [oral presentation]

  41. Yunae Cho, Ahrum Sohn, Sujung Kim, Dong-Wook Kim, Byungjjin Cho, Myung Gwan Hahm, Dong-Ho Kim, “All two-dimensional field-effect transistor with alloyed junction”, 2016한국물리학회 봄학술논문발표회, 대전컨벤션센터, 대전, Apr. 20, 2016 [oral presentation]

  42. Ah Ra Kim, Sungyoung Choi, Yonghun Kim, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Byungjjin Cho*, “Gas sensing Characteristics of Metal-decorated Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructures”, Nano Convergence Conference 2016, Seoul National University, Jan. 21, 2016 [poster]

  43. Ah Ra Kim, Sungyoung Choi, Byungjjin Cho*, and Myung Gwan Hahm, “2D Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructures for Gas-Sensing device”, Nanopia 2015, Changwon, Korea, Nov. 11, 2015

  44. Byungjjin Cho, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Dong-Ho Kim, “CVD-Based MoS2 For High-Performance Sensing Applications”, M3 Conference, Singapore, Aug. 5, 2015 [oral presentation]

  45. Byungjjin Cho, “2D layered van der Waals materials: From CVD synthesis to electronic applications”, Young Nam University, Kyungsan, Korea, July 28. 2015 [Seminar]

  46. Byungjjin Cho and Myung Gwan Hahm, “CVD atomic-layered MoS2 with bi-funtional sensing characteristics”, NANO KOREA 2015 Symposium, COEX, Seoul, Korea, July 1, 2015 [oral presentation]

  47. Byungjjin Cho, Myung Gwan Hahm, and Dong-Ho Kim, “CVD-synthesized atomic-layer MoS2 for sensing applications”, Graphene Week 2015, Manchester, UK, June 23, 2015

  48. Byungjjin Cho and Myung Gwan Hahm, “Two Dimensional MoS2: CVD Synthesis and Application to High-performance Sensing Devices”, 26th IC-ME&D (26th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, May 22, 2015

  49. Byungjjin Cho, “My life as a scientist”, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea, May 19, 2015 [Seminar]

  50. Byungjjin Cho and Myung Gwan Hahm, “CVD-based MoS2 nanofilm for bi-functional sensor applications”, 2015 MRS Korea, Gumi, Korea, May 14, 2015 [oral presentation]

  51. Byungjjin Cho and Myung Gwan Hahm, “Sensing characteristics on CVD-synthesized atomic-layer MoS2”, 2015 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemisty (KSIEC) Spring Meeting, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, May 1, 2015 [oral presentation]

  52. Byungjjin Cho, Ah Ra Kim, Youngjin Park, Myung Gwan Hahm, Dong-Ho Kim, Jongwon Yoon, Chang Goo Kang, Heung Cho Ko, and Byoung Hun Lee, “Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for electronic sensor applications”, 2015 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, CECO, Chagwon, Korea, Apr. 22, 2015 [oral presentation]

  53. Byungjjin Cho, “Atomic layer 2D MoS2: CVD synthesis and sensing application”, Korea Basic Science Institute, Jeonju,  Apr. 10, 2015 [Seminar]

  54. Byungjjin Cho, “Two-dimensional nanomaterial and its application to electronic sensors” Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea, Jan. 20, 2015 [Seminar]

  55. Byungjjin Cho, Myung Gwan Hahm, Dong-Ho Kim, Jongwon Yoon, Chang Goo Kang, Heung Cho Ko, and Byoung Hun Lee, “Bi-functional Sensing Characteristics of CVD Synthesized Two Dimensional (2D) Materials: Detection of Gas Molecules and Visible Light”, 2014 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Daegu, Korea, Apr. 24-25, 2014

  56. Byungjjin Cho, “Organic-based resistive memory and CNT-based analog memory transistor”, Kyung Hee University, Suwon, Korea, Oct. 16, 2013 [Seminar]

  57. Byungjjin Cho, “Organic-based resistive memory and CNT-based analog memory transistor”, The Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), Ulsan, Korea, July. 25, 2013 [Seminar]

  58. Byungjjin Cho, Dong-Ho Kim, Chang Su Kim, Myungkwan Song, Yong Chen, and Takhee Lee, “Organic resistive memory and nonvolatile analog memory transistor”, 2013 MRS Korea, Yeosu, Korea, May. 22-23, 2013. [Best Oral Presentation Award]

  59. Byungjjin Cho, Chang Su Kim, Dong-Ho Kim, and Yong Chen, “Nonvolatile analog memory transistor based on CNT network and PCBM molecules” 24th IC-ME&D (24th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), KAIST., Korea, May 15-16, 2013.

  60. Byungjjin Cho, Jin-Mun Yun, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Dong-Yu Kim, and Takhee Lee, “Direct observation of conductive paths in organic resistive memory devices” International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology 2011 (ICNST 2011), Sunchon National Univ., Korea, Nov. 10-11, 2011.

  61. Byungjjin Cho, Jin Ju Kim, Ki Seok Kim, Gun Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Unipolar organic resistive memory devices scaled down by a direct metal-transfer method", 10th Internationl conference on Nanoimprint and Nanopint Technology (NNT 2011), Jeju, Korea, Oct. 19-21, 2011.

  62. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, "Organic Resistive Memory Devices: Performance Enhancement and Advanced Integration Architecture", 2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE NMDC 2011), Jeju, Korea, Oct. 18-21, 2011.

  63. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, "Switching characteristics of nonvolatile organic resistive memory devices with interfacial oxide layers tuned by O2 plasma treatment", EMC (Electronic Materials Conference) 2011, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 22-24, 2011. [Student oral presentation]

  64. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, "Switching characteristics of unipolar organic memory devices with interfacial oxide layers created by O2 plasma treatment", 22nd IC-ME&D (22nd International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, May 19-20, 2011.

  65. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, “Switching characteristics of organic resistive memory with interfacial oxide layers created by O2 plasma treatment”,  International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2010), GIST, Gwangju, Korea, Nov. 8-9, 2010.

  66. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, "Reversible switching characteristic of one diode-one resistor for nonvolatile organic memory applications" ,  ICPS 2010 (International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors), COEX, Seoul, Korea, July 25-30, 2010.

  67. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching characteristics of one diode-one resistor organic memory", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010. 

  68. Byungjjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, & Takhee Lee, "Electrically rewritable switching of 1 diode-1 resistor organic memory devices", International Symposium on Carbon Electronics (ISCE), Seoul National University, Korea, May 3-4, 2010.

  69. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Minseok Jo,Hyunsang Hwang, Gun-Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching operation of 1 diode-1 resistor for organic memory devices", MRS (Materials Research Society) 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 5-9, 2010. [Student oral presentation]

  70. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Gun-Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching characteristics of 1 diode-1 resistor non-volatile organic memory devices", The 17th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Inter-bulgo hotel, Daegu, Korea, Feb. 24-26, 2010. [Student oral presentation]

  71. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, and Takhee Lee, “Rewritable switching operation of 1 diode-1 resistor organic non-volatile memory devices”, GJ-NST 2009 (International conference of nanosciencne and nanotechnology 2009), Mokpo Nat. Univ. Gwangju, Korea, Nov. 5-6, 2009.[Best poster presentation]

  72. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Minhyeok Choe, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee “Unipolar nonvolatile memory devices with composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles”, KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP), Jeju, Korea, Aug. 23-26, 2009.

  73. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Minhyeok Choe, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee, "Unipolar nonvolatile memory devices with composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles", 20th IC-ME&D (20th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sogang Univeristy, Seoul, Korea, May 22-23, 2009.

  74. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Minhyeok Choe, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee, “Unipolar nonvolatile memory devices with composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles”, A3 Foresight Program Sub-10 nm Wires Workshop, Xiamen University, China, Feb. 22-26, 2009.

  75. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Jaeduck Seo, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee, "Nonvolatile resistive switching devices based on composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles", 2008 GIST-NAIST Symposium, NAIST, Japen, Nov. 24-28, 2008.

  76. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Jaeduck Seo, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee, "Nonvolatile resistive switching devices based on composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles", GJ-NST 2008 (International conference of nanoscience and nanotechnology 2008), Chonnam Nat. Univ. Gwangju, Korea, Nov. 6-7, 2008.

  77. Byungjjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Jaeduck Seo, Gunuk Wang, Sunghoon Song, and Takhee Lee, "Nonvolatile resistive switching devices based on composites of poly(9-vinylcarbazole) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles", 7th KCIST (Korea Conference on Innovative Science and Technology) 'Electronic Properties of Carbon Based Materials', Phoenix Park, Korea, Oct. 18-21, 2008.

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